I’m Jorge and i want to merge, regrid and average all the NO2 retrievals of october 2004 around the city i live. The problem is when i make it I get a 3d array when i should get 2d array. This is the code I made with jupyter:
filename_omi = r"OMNO2_2004_Oct\OMI-Aura_L2-OMNO2_2004m10*.he5"
These are my operations:
operations_omi = “;”.join([
“validity !& 1”,
“derive(tropospheric_NO2_column_number_density [Pmolec/cm2])”,
“derive (latitude{latitude})”,
“derive (longitude{longitude})”,
and my reduced_operations
reduced_operations = “squash(time, (latitude, longitude, latitude_bounds, longitude_bounds))” ; “bin()”
omi_NO2 = harp.import_product(filename_omi,operations_omi,reduce_operations = reduced_operations)
and i get this array when I prompt : omi_NO2.tropospheric_NO2_column_number_density
dimension = {time=29, latitude=6, longitude=8}
Thank you very much