Hello, I would like to access slant column information from “/PRODUCT/SUPPORT_DATA/DETAILED_RESULTS/fitted_slant_columns_win1” in L2 HCHO files. It looks like there are a number of slant column measurements (eg. HCHO, NO2) in this variable.
I want to add NO2, HCHO (and CO if it exists) from “/PRODUCT/SUPPORT_DATA/DETAILED_RESULTS/fitted_slant_columns_win1” to my HCHO L3 file output.
Currently, this gives me the HCHO slant column, but I do not think it is from the part of the file I want since I am unable to access the NO2 values that should be stored in that part of the HCHO L2 file.
harp_L2_L3 = harp.import_product(file_path, operations="
derive(datetime_stop {time});
latitude > " + lat_min + "; latitude < " + lat_max + "; longitude > " + lon_min + "; longitude < " + lon_max + “;
bin_spatial(500, “+lat_min+”, 0.06, 500, “+lon_min+”, 0.06);
derive(latitude {latitude}); derive(longitude {longitude})”)
export_folder = “{export_path}/{name}”.format(export_path = export_path, name = file.split(’/’)[-1].replace(‘L2’, ‘L3’))
harp.export_product(harp_L2_L3, export_folder, file_format = ‘netcdf’)
Thank you!