Err. product contains no variables, or variables without data harp when processing CH4 nc files

Hi all. I am seeing the following error: ‘Err. product contains no variables, or variables without data harp’ when creating a L3 product from the OFFL CH4 nc files for all data after July 26, 2022. Does anyone have information on any sensor issues that might be occuring. The HARP parameters I am using have not changed and have been used on all CH4 data previous to July 26. Thanks for any info you can share.

You can find information on this on the news section of scihub. The specific issue for CH4 is due to unavailability of the the NPP satellite, which provides cloud information that is crucial to the CH4 retrieval. As a result, all pixels in the CH4 products have a too low QA value. Since NPP is back online I assume that CH4 production will be back to normal soon as well.

Thanks for directing me to that info Sander, I really appreciate it.