Hallo everyone!!
I want to make an overpass file (in NetCDF format) over a specific area from the S5P/TROPOMI L1 RA (S5P_RPRO_L1B) data, for a specific year (e.g. 2022), using harp. To do so, I define in the harp operations a specific lat and lon values, and a specific radius value, as well.
Since the area I want to cover is kind of large, I define the radius value to be equal to 500 km. The Python script runs just fine, however in the harp.export_product() command I get the following error:
harp._harppy.CLibraryError: NetCDF: One or more variable sizes violate format constraints
Do you know how can I fix this error??
Thank you in advance!!!
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The NetCDF export option of HARP uses the classic netcdf3 format, with additional support for 64-bit offsets (CDF2). See also NetCDF Users Guide: File Structure and Performance.
If your HARP product is many gigabytes then it is better to use the ‘hdf5’ export format. Note that this is similar to the netcdf4 format and the exported product can therefore also still be read using the netcdf4 library.
However, having HARP products that are many gigabytes in size is not really recommended. You might consider storing your data per month or per day to make things more manageable.
Hallo Sander,
Thanks for the tips!! I will see how I’ll manage the issue.