Exporting a variable from a S5P dataset as georeferenced tif (or netcdf) file

Hi. I am discovering the harp library for python. I have the following questions.

I have a sentinel 5P O3 dataset. I managed to import it using the harp.import_product(file_in) function.
What I am seeking to achieve is to save the variable “tropospheric_O3_column_number_density” ideally as a georeferenced tif file (or a georeferenced netcdf file) that can be easily manipulated in QGIS for instance.
I am stuck and any assistance is appreciated.

The best approach is likely to convert the data to L3 first. This use case example shows you how. That use case also shows you how to export the result to netcdf again.

Another option would be to download pre-generated L3 products directly from the S5P-PAL Data Portal.

You should be able to use these L3 netcdf files directly in qgis.

Thanks for pointing me to these resources. I really appreciate.

I followed the instructions on the use case. Everything seems to be running well. However, when I tried to export the product, I received the following error. Any ideas what might be the issue?

This was a numpy v2.0 incompatibility of HARP. We just released a new HARP version that fixes this.
If you recreate your conda environment you should get HARP 1.23 which should no longer have this issue.

Thanks very much. Everything works perfectly.

NO2 et O3 measurements from S5P are for the tropospheric columns and expressed in mol/m2. Do you perhaps know a method to convert them to ground-level NO2 and O3 measurements expressed in mg/m3 (that I could compare to local air quality station data)? Thanks for your help

This question is similar to this one. Unfortunately, satellites such as S5P are not really sensitive for concentrations at the surface. See also the response here.

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