I use TROPOMI data ( methane) for my master’s degree thesis. I have trouble extracting the files from the NetCDF file:
- First: I tried to open them using the (ArcGIS) 10.8 (licensed version)>> Make NetCDF raster layer tool, but the software was not able to detect the X and Y dimensions automatically. Hence, it failed to open the variables.
-Second: I used (Panoply), but unfortunately, when I saved the map as Geotiff then opened it in ArcGIS, there was a problem with the spatial reference then I realized that the data were not the correct data I was looking for ( not the expected methane conc in ppbv)
-Third: Finally, I was lucky to open the data successfully using (Snap), but it took more than 2 hours to open one file !! I have been working with daily data for three years!!! And I am working on an ordinary PC. I don’t have a workstation!! and I have only one month to finish this analysis
Therefore, can you recommend any other tool to open and extract the data quickly?