Hallo everyone,
I want to process the S5P L2 TCWV PAL files (S5P_PAL__L2__TCWV___) using the Harp ingestions. To be more specific I do the following:
Define the Harp operations
operations = ";".join([f'point_distance({lat_val}, {lon_val}, '+
'water_vapor_column_density_validity '+
f'> {qa_flag}',
'keep(datetime_start, latitude, longitude, '+
'latitude_bounds, longitude_bounds, '+
'water_vapor_column_density, '+
'water_vapor_column_density_uncertainty, '+
'water_vapor_column_density_amf, '+
'water_vapor_column_density_avk, '+
'scan_subindex, index)',
'derive(datetime_start {time} [seconds since 2010-01-01])'])
Make the average product
averageproduct = harp.import_product(fls, operations)
However, by doing so, the following error appears:
/S5P/S5P_PAL__L2__TCWV___20210101T101940_20210101T111804_16685_03_010500_20231211T153434.nc: unsupported product class/type ‘S5P_PAL/L2__TCWV__’
which says that the product is not supported. On the Harp ingestions website though, the PAL products are included (here Ingestion definitions — HARP 1.21 documentation). Do you why this error appears??
Thank you in advance!!