HARPCONVERT on terminal windows

Hi, I’m new here and I’m also a beginner, so, sorry if my questions are trivial.
I trued to follow on my PC the AIR QUALITY MONITORING WITH SENTINEL-5p training, but when I try to perform the harpconvert instruction "harpconvert -a ‘latitude > -55 [degree_north]; latitude < 80 [degree_north]; bin_spatial(271,-55,0.5,721,-180,0.5); derive(latitude {latitude}); derive(longitude {longitude})’ S5P_OFFL_L2__NO2____20200401T110350_20200401T124521_12784_01_010302_20200403T040102.nc Converted_Product.nc
I have had an errormessage that is impossible to find file. I’m not sure that instruction are correct, so, I will be gratefull if anyone can help me to write the rigth code for that.
I operate my running from the folder where are the data
Original code un RUS training VM is
harpconvert -a ‘latitude > -55 [degree_north]; latitude < 80 [degree_north]; bin_spatial(271,-55,0.5,721,-180,0.5); derive(latitude {latitude}); derive(longitude {longitude})’ /shared/Training/ATMO01_AirQuality_Global/Original/S5P_OFFL_L2__AER_AI_20190517T092621_20190517T110751_08243_01_010301_20190523T085237.nc /shared/Training/ATMO01_AirQuality_Global/Processing/L3_GriddedProducts/Converted_Product.nc

That error message probably means that the harpconvert executable couldn’t be found.

Make sure that you have installed HARP and that the harp executables are in your PATH environment.

Probably the easiest is to install HARP using anaconda and open an Anaconda Prompt. This will then have the PATH already properly set.

Thank you for answer, now I have solved but I have another problem: in harpmerge the use of “*” caracter give me problem with function. I have the message they in impossible to find file, when i use the harpmerge only for onw file it work.
I read on this forum that on Windows the * don’t work, may you suggest the solution for that?

The easiest solution is to put all your files that you want to merge in a subdirectory and give the path to that subdirectory as input to harpmerge.

I tried that,


harpmerge -a 'latitude > 37.5 [degree_north]; latitude < 40.5 [degree_north]; longitude > 15 [degree_east]; longitude < 17.7 [degree_east]; tropospheric_NO2_column_number_density_validity >75; bin_spatial(300,37.5,0.01,270,15,0.01); derive(longitude {longitude});derive(latitude {latitude})’ Desktop\S5 Desktop\S5\merge

my files are in a folder named S5 on Desktop (C:\Users\Concetta\Desktop\S5) and I want to put my result “merge” in the same folder as you can see in the path pointed

I have tried also this
harpmerge -a 'latitude > 37.5 [degree_north]; latitude < 40.5 [degree_north]; longitude > 15 [degree_east]; longitude < 17.7 [degree_east]; tropospheric_NO2_column_number_density_validity >75; bin_spatial(300,37.5,0.01,270,15,0.01); derive(longitude {longitude});derive(latitude {latitude})’ E:\S5 Desktop\result\merge
same message

I forgot error message:
incorrect metadatda checksum after all read attempts (major=”Object cache”, minor=Read failed”) (C:\ci1hdf5_1545244154871\work\src\HC5.c:6712)

The error message looks to me like something is wrong with one of your input files.
It is an error message of the underlying HDF5 library that HARP uses to read the S5P data.
You can verify whether a product can be read using the harpcheck tool. You might want to redownload any products that produce errors.

You are rigth, i have found a corrupted file, now it seems to work.
There is an instruction like “harpcheck” to check recursively all files in a folder?
thank you very much for all

any idea on harpcheck recursive?

harpcheck does not work recursively.

ok, thank you for info