How to create 2d lat/lon/altitude AEOLUS L2B from 1d lat/lon/altitude vector and plot on MATLAB with CODA?

My file is opened with the following code:

% change this to the full path of your Aeolus L2B DBL file
filename = ‘C:/Users/William Jacondino/Desktop/MATLAB AEOLUS/AE_OPER_ALD_U_N_2B_20200820T233235_20200821T010323_0001.DBL’;

product = coda_open(filename);

% The L2B product stores all valid profile points (which are called ‘results’) as one big consecutive array
% in the datasets mie_hloswind and rayleigh_hloswind.
% The associated geolocation for those point results are stored in mie_geolocation and rayleigh_geolocation.

% The specification of which points belong together in which profile is kept in the mie_profile and rayleigh_profile
% datasets. These datasets contain indices into the mie_hloswind and rayleigh hloswind datasets to specify which point
% belongs at which level in a profile.

% ### Mie horizontal line of sight wind profile points ###

disp(‘Individual Mie HLOS wind points’);

latitude = coda_fetch(product, ‘mie_geolocation’, -1, ‘windresult_geolocation/latitude_cog’);

longitude = coda_fetch(product, ‘mie_geolocation’, -1, ‘windresult_geolocation/longitude_cog’);

altitude = coda_fetch(product, ‘mie_geolocation’, -1, ‘windresult_geolocation/altitude_vcog’);

mie_wind_velocity = coda_fetch(product, ‘mie_hloswind’, -1, ‘windresult/mie_wind_velocity’);

% ### Mie profile definition

disp(‘Mie HLOS wind profiles’);

result_id = coda_fetch(product, ‘mie_profile’, -1, ‘l2b_wind_profiles/wind_result_id_number’);
result_id = horzcat(result_id{:});
% populate wind_velocity profiles (using 0 for unavailable points)
wind_velocity = zeros(size(result_id));
wind_velocity(result_id ~= 0) = mie_wind_velocity(result_id(result_id ~= 0));


I am confused as to how I should proceed to make a 2d plot since the vector is in that form when I read the data with coda.

Please help me how to run this data in matlab

clear;clc;close all;fclose all
% prgname = ‘aeolus_wind_read.m’;

% change this to the full path of your Aeolus
filename = ‘AE_OPER_ALD_U_N_2B_20191019T022735_20191019T050523_0002.DBL’;
product = coda_open(filename);

disp(‘Individual Mie HLOS wind points’);
latitude = coda_fetch(product, ‘mie_geolocation’, -1, ‘windresult_geolocation/latitude_cog’);
longitude = coda_fetch(product, ‘mie_geolocation’, -1, ‘windresult_geolocation/longitude_cog’);
altitude = coda_fetch(product, ‘mie_geolocation’, -1, ‘windresult_geolocation/altitude_vcog’);
mie_wind_velocity = coda_fetch(product, ‘mie_hloswind’, -1, ‘windresult/mie_wind_velocity’);
% ### Mie profile definition
disp(‘Mie HLOS wind profiles’);
result_id = coda_fetch(product, ‘mie_profile’, -1, ‘l2b_wind_profiles/wind_result_id_number’);
result_id = horzcat(result_id{:});
% populate wind_velocity profiles (using 0 for unavailable points)
wind_velocity = zeros(size(result_id));
wind_velocity(result_id ~= 0) = mie_wind_velocity(result_id(result_id ~= 0));

This is my error
ERROR : unsupported product file
Error using coda_matlab
CODA Error

Error in coda_open (line 17)
[varargout{1:max(1,nargout)}] = coda_matlab(‘OPEN’,varargin{:});

Error in aelous_wind_read (line 6)
product = coda_open(filename);

Please help me how to run this data in matlab

The file AEOLUS.codadef is missing from …\CODA\share\coda\definitions

Note that the sofware coda itself does not come with any codadef files.
You can find the codadef file here. Just download the codadef file and store it in the given directory.

Alternatively, if you are using a python conda environment, you can also install harp on top of coda. harp includes several codadef files, including the one for AEOLUS.