I used the following code to calculate the monthly mean of ozone for March 2022 in my previous research:
export_path=r"D:\Downloads\S5P\monthly mean\1903_O3_GZ1.nc"
Converted_NO2_2022 = harp.import_product(input_files,
operations= “latitude >= 22.5[degree_north] ; latitude <= 24[degree_north] ;
longitude>=112.8 [degree_east];longitude<=114.2[degree_east];O3_column_number_density_validity>50;
bin_spatial(155,22.5, .01, 145 , 112.8, .01);
derive(latitude {latitude}); derive(longitude {longitude});
post_operations=“bin(); squash(time, (latitude,longitude))”
harp.export_product(Converted_HCHO_2022, export_path,file_format=“netcdf”)
Now I want to calculate the monthly mean of ozone for March 2019. But after reading the PRF-O3-NRTI and PRF-O3-OFFL in the User Documents of L2__O3____, I found that for the NRTI and OFFL data of v01 version before July 16, 2020, the following selection rules:
‘ozone_total_vertical_columnn out of [0 to 0.45] ;
ozone_effective_temperature out of [180 to 260] ;
fitted_root_mean_square larger than 0.01’
‘ozone_total_vertical_column out of [0 to 0.45];
ozone_effective_temperature out of [180 to 260];
ring_scale_factor out of [0 to 0.15];
effective_albedo out of [-0.5 to 1.5]’
should be used instead of qa_value.
I found an Ingestion options named qa_filter in the S5P_L2_O3 of ingestion definitions, which can be used to process the ozone data of v01.x.x instead of qa_value. So I want to know two questions. First, how can I apply this Ingestion options to my code. Second, does this Ingestion options have different selection rules when processing NRTI and OFFL data?