Merge Sentinel5p products & keep time dimension

Dear all,
I would like to create an animation of NO2 scenes from Sentinel-5p over a specific region. To cover this region, I need at least 2 different products. And I want to animate a period of one month.

Using harpmerge I know how to combine contiguous scenes, and also how to keep time dimension while merging multiple scenes from the same location (this is, using only one product for each frame).

But I don’t find out how to write a command with harpmerge in order to merge contiguous scenes from specific dates and also keep time dimension to merge and animate them day by day using VISAN.

Thanks in advance,


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Dear Josep,

The approach to use is to first create daily files using harpmerge by providing the bin() post operation. This will merge all 14 orbit files together into one ‘time slot’.

Then, you can just use harpmerge on the daily files (and then don’t provide the bin() operation; you might still want to squash the time dimension of the lat/lon axis though).
The result of this should be plottable in VISAN as a time series.

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Thanks @svniemeijer !!
That works perfectly.