NO2 inversion configuration using TROPOMI

The article “Global Nigeria acid emissions and levels of regional oxidants enhanced by wildfires” published by Theys et al. in Nature Geoscience greatly inspired me. I am currently trying to replicate the inversion method they used to invert HONO and NO2; However, my results did not meet their accuracy. Can you share the QDOAS inversion configuration script for NO2 inversion by TROPOMI or any relevant data that can help me? I greatly appreciate your help and look forward to your reply. thank you very much!

Hi, I can’t share the specific configuration from that publication with you. The configuration for Tropomi HCHO retrievals from our use case Usecase_8_QDOAS_AMF should provide a good starting point.

Don’t hesitate to ask if you have more specific questions about the use of the software.


Thanks for your reply, I’ll carefully read and study this tutorial.