Dear Sander,
I am encountering a harp error, via python, on a code that I was using back in February. The code is attached to the end of this message. It reads, via coda, the NASA OMI L2G daily product and outputs in harp-compliant form gridded monthly data. Nothing fancy. I repeat, this was working in February, with the previous harp version.
The error is :
File ~/.conda/envs/myCondaEnvName/lib/python3.9/site-packages/harp/ in _export_product
_export_variable(name, product[name], c_product)*
File ~/.conda/envs/myCondaEnvName/lib/python3.9/site-packages/harp/ in _export_variable*
raise CLibraryError()*
CLibraryError: invalid unit ‘degree_north’
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File ~/.conda/envs/myCondaEnvName/lib/python3.9/site-packages/spyder_kernels/ in compat_exec*
exec(code, globals, locals)*
File /mnt/lapsat/groups/lapsat/OMI_SO2/Programs/*
average = harp.execute_operations(productlist,*
File ~/.conda/envs/myCondaEnvName/lib/python3.9/site-packages/harp/ in execute_operations*
_export_product(product, c_product_ptr[0])*
File ~/.conda/envs/myCondaEnvName/lib/python3.9/site-packages/harp/ in _export_product*
raise Error(“variable ‘%r’ could not be exported (%s)” % (name, str(_error)))*
Error: variable ‘‘latitude’’ could not be exported (invalid unit ‘degree_north’)
My conda env only contains module via the conda forge channel, and is a dedicated harp env. Conda list replies, for harp & coda:
harp 1.17 py39r42h92210e6_0 conda-forge
coda 2.24.1 py39h92210e6_0 conda-forge
I am running the script on spyder with
*Python 3.9.15 | packaged by conda-forge | (main, Nov 22 2022, 15:55:03) *
Type “copyright”, “credits” or “license” for more information.
IPython 8.8.0 – An enhanced Interactive Python.
Any ideas on how this may be going wrong?
Many thanks
#!/usr/bin/env python3
-- coding: utf-8 --
Created on Thu Jun 25 12:06:13 2020
@author: mariliza
import coda
import harp
import numpy
import os
import calendar
from datetime import datetime, date
import sys
import numpy as np
import fnmatch
#from os import listdir
twelve months
mon = [i+1 for i in range(12)]
matchex = [“%02d” %x for x in mon]
local variables
path = ‘/mnt/lapsat/groups/lapsat/OMI_SO2/EvenMoreData/’
outpath = ‘/mnt/lapsat/groups/lapsat/OMI_SO2/HARP_EvenMoreData/’
output directory
if not os.path.exists(outpath):
load all the filenames
filenames = []
for file in os.listdir(path):
if file.endswith(“.he5”):
loop in months
for minas in range(len(matchex)):
productlist = []
# locate only the files within that month
allfilenames = []
for ffile in filenames: #os.listdir(folder):
# if fnmatch.fnmatch(ffile.decode(encoding='utf-8'), str('*2021m'+matchex[minas]+'*')):
if fnmatch.fnmatch(ffile, str('OMI-Aura_L3-OMSO2e_2023m'+matchex[minas]+'*')):
if len(allfilenames) == 0:
# read in all the files in that month
for ffile in allfilenames:
filename = os.fsdecode(ffile)
infile = path+filename
pf =
latitude = coda.fetch(pf, 'HDFEOS/GRIDS/OMI_Total_Column_Amount_SO2/Data_Fields/Latitude')
longitude = coda.fetch(pf, '/HDFEOS/GRIDS/OMI_Total_Column_Amount_SO2/Data_Fields/Longitude')
so2 = coda.fetch(pf, '/HDFEOS/GRIDS/OMI_Total_Column_Amount_SO2/Data_Fields/ColumnAmountSO2')
# so2_scd = coda.fetch(pf,'/HDFEOS/GRIDS/OMI_Total_Column_Amount_SO2/Data_Fields/SlantColumnAmountSO2')
time = coda.fetch(pf,'/HDFEOS/GRIDS/OMI_Total_Column_Amount_SO2/Data_Fields/Time')
so2_flag = coda.fetch(pf, '/HDFEOS/GRIDS/OMI_Total_Column_Amount_SO2/Data_Fields/QualityFlags_SO2')
sza = coda.fetch(pf, '/HDFEOS/GRIDS/OMI_Total_Column_Amount_SO2/Data_Fields/SolarZenithAngle')
# sys.exit()
product = harp.Product()
lat = latitude[:,0]
lon = longitude[0,:]
product.latitude = harp.Variable(lat, ['latitude']) #, longitude'])
product.latitude.unit = 'degree_north'
product.longitude = harp.Variable(lon, ['longitude'])
product.longitude.unit = 'degree_east'
product.so2_column_number_density = harp.Variable(so2, ['latitude', 'longitude'])
product.so2_column_number_density.unit = 'DU'
# product.so2_slant_column_number_density = harp.Variable(so2_scd, ['latitude', 'longitude'])
# product.so2_slant_column_number_density.unit = 'DU'
product.time = harp.Variable(time, ['latitude', 'longitude'])
average = harp.execute_operations(productlist,
post_operations="bin();squash(time, (latitude,longitude))")
# sys.exit()
OutFile = outpath + '2023'+matchex[minas]+'.nc'
# filename[19:23] + filename[24:28] + '.nc'
harp.export_product(average, OutFile)
# sys.exit()