Hi, I’m so sorry that I ask questions under very different issues!
I have tried to put the codadef file into my share/coda/definitions, but it doesn’t work.
It gives the same error: coda_open(): unsupported product file
This is the code: import coda import os from numpy import vstack,zeros os.putenv(‘CODA_DEFINITION’, r’D:\yika\work\Aladin\coda\share\coda\definitions’) product=coda.open(“AE_OPER_ALD_U_N_2B_20201008T233259_20201009T010347_0001.DBL”)
I wonder if there is someway to check why it’s wrong or how to deal with it?
Thanks again and sorry again!
Can you open a dos/command prompt and run codacheck on these product files?
e.g. codacheck -V AE_OPER_ALD_U_N_2B_20201008T233259_20201009T010347_0001.DBL, codacheck -V AE_OPER_ALD_U_N_2B_20201008T233259_20201009T010347_0001.HDR
And let me know the output?
The codacheck executable should be in D:\yika\work\Aladin\coda\bin.
hello sir. I also meet a similar problem.
I install coda 2.21.1 on the server via anaconda.
And try to run the sample program in github.
But it show me the error as yika64.
My error program as follows.
`import os
I have placed the definition file in “/student/home/chikiangtam/anaconda3/envs/aelous/share/coda/definitions/”,and there are products/types/index.xml and tests.xml in the definition floder.
i wonder to know if some steps are still missing.
Thanks you very much!
Thank you very much! i haved been solved the problem.
I dont know why the account “kktam” dose not have premission to reply, that i had to try to register a new account to reply to your answer.
Thank you again and wish you a happy life.